
Livestock farming is raising animals for food or to selland is very well planned. Livestocks animals play an important role in rural economic development. Some of these animals include cattle or dairy cows, chickens, goats, pigs, horses, sheep, etc. The other livestock animals include donkeys, mules, and rabbits. 
Major live animals which are being exported from the country comprise goats, sheep, horses, asses, mules, ducks, goose, turkeys and swine. At present, India accounts for about one sixth of the world’s cattle and half of the buffalo population. While cattle and buffalo are reared for producing milk and milk products, other species of livestock like pig, sheep, poultry birds and goat are raised for meat production.Indian beef and buffalo meat (cara-beef)product is preferred in many destinations due to its’ cost competitiveness, high water retention capacity and good blending properties

We can provide you detailed project reports on the following topics. Please select the projects of your interests.
Cattle Emu Poultry Goat Rabbit Sheep PigQuail Turkey